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The Avengers Wallpapers

Panic spreads all around the city when a sudden meteor shower hit the earth. Without any warning someone from outer space declared war against earth, leaving Nick Fury extremely desperate to save the precious lives of innocent people. With a big struggle he managed to convince the once called heroes to join in on aan extremely dangerous and life threatening mission called The Avengers Assemble. There is however a problem among the team members, to complete the mission successfully they have to become a team learn their differentness and work together.  Will Nick Fury regret his decision of opening the operation when he observes the end of innocent lives being taken or will his team make him proud and defend the place they all call home?

Be apart of all the excitement when you start your very own collection of supper hero wallpapers. Feel amazing with all the inspiration you can receive when looking into one of these amazing spectacular people’s eyes.

Get this entire amazing collection of avenger Wallpapers in HD to share with your friend along with the people you find yourself surrounded with.

Be apart of the action and support the side you believe deserves it best. The Avengers is aan amazing action movie filled with some of out all time favorite supper heroes. Remember to always stand together does not matter how big the enemy is, strength comes in numbers. Start collecting amazing images sa from the movie to make you feel like you are a part of it all. This post was brought to you by HD Wallpapers
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